WHEREAS the Municipality of St.-Charles has only one (1) dedicated facility to deliver public sports and recreation activities in our municipality, being the St.-Charles Arena;
AND WHEREAS the facility is over fifty (50) years old and requires important investment to continue to make the facility viable, affordable and relevant to the demographic of our community of today;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council for the Municipality of St.-Charles unequivocally supports an application to the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) Program and associated share of the cost of the project of 20% for the following retrofits, repairs, and upgrades to the St.-Charles Arena:
- 325kw Solar PV Array: The high energy cost of operation of the facility is a significant burden to the community. Installation of a Solar PV Array will reduce the ongoing cost of the facility. Due to space requirements a roof mount is preferred. Project cost estimate $950,000;
- Roof Rehabilitation: The metal roof requires ongoing maintenance to prevent rust and failure of the structure. Propose treating the surface with product (white in colour if available) extending the lifespan of the facility for a minimum of twenty (20) years. If a roof mount Solar PV Array is chosen, roof rehabilitation is requirement prior to installation. Project cost estimated at $400,000;
- Installation of door seals, low flush toilets, energy efficient and timed shower heads. Projected cost of $40,000;
- Accessibility measures within retrofits or renovations:
- The current LULA (Limited Use / Limited Application elevator) is nearing its end of life and the need for staff to be present during its operation is limiting what programs can be delivered in the arena room / hall / kitchen. The installation a full-service elevator at a projected cost of $165,000 will open up the facility to deliver more activities in addition to current programing such as yoga classes;
- To compliment our new outdoor pickle ball court, renovation to the main entrance to the arena to allow for daytime access to the accessible washroom for pickle ball players, including a fob system at a projected cost of $60,000;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Municipality commits $371,450 toward the proposed project deliverable including up to 15% contingency cost + HST.