The Director of Planning, Matthew Dumont, arrived at 5:38 pm.
Mayor Branconnier provided a summary of the procedures of a Public Hearing for the consideration of a proposed amendment to the Zoning By-Law 2014-26.
The Director of Planning informed Council that Notice of the Public Hearing was posted in the Municipal Office and was sent by mail on September 19, 2024 (being over twenty (20) days prior to this evening’s meeting) to the assessed owners within the Municipality subject to the proposed Zoning By-Law Amendments, and to those persons and agencies likely to have an interest in the application. Included with each Notice was an explanation of the purpose and effect of the proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment application and a key map showing the location of the property.
Mayor Branconnier declared this portion of the meeting to be a Public Hearing.
The Director of Planning informed Council that the purpose of the Public Hearing was to consider a proposed amendment to Zoning By-Law 2014-26 received to rezone Lot 1 and Lot 2 from Rural to Special Rural to recognize the environmental impact study recommendations.
The Director of Planning advised that the severance application portion of this matter was heard by the Sudbury East Planning Board on October 10, 2024. At that time the severance application was supported conditionally.
Through agency circulation the following comments were received:
- Chief Administrative Officer / Clerk / Treasurer - Property subject to municipal drains and may require apportionment. Please advise the Applicants to contact the Clerk to request re-apportionment as fees are applicable;
- Chief Administrative Office / Clerk / Treasurer - Zoning By-Law Amendment for Special Rural - Municipality must still be able to maintain municipal drains;
- Public Works Superintendent - Road allowance on Pothier Road and Montee Brazeau to be transferred to the Municipality of St.-Charles;
- Sudbury District Health Unit - It appears that the proposed severed and retained lots are capable of development for installation of a septic system and leaching bed system
No comments were received from the Applicants as they were not present.
No one spoke in objection to or in support of the application.
No questions were made by any member of Council.
Mayor Branconnier declared the Public Hearing to be concluded and advised that there is a twenty (20) day appeal period to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal and that during this appeal period no building permit may be issued, or other work commenced.